VeriSign, the global registry operator for .COM, .NET and other extensions, has released its 1st quarter 2014 Domain Name Industry Brief (DNIB). In this brief, VeriSign reviewed the state of the domain industry using statistical and analytical methods. As always, the brief contains interesting data, insights, key performance metrics, and growth opportunities.
Highlights from this issue includes:
- The Internet grew to 276 million domain names across all TLDs in the first quarter of 2014.
- .COM and .NET grew to 128.5 million domain names combined, with 113.2 million registered domain names in the .COM adjusted zone and 15.2 million registered domain names in .NET.
- The top 10 TLDs by zone size were .COM, .TK, .DE, .NET, .UK, .ORG, .CN, .RU, .INFO, and .NL .
- And more!
To download the full report, visit